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更新时间:2021-05-17 浏览次数:122 类型:期末考试
一、Listen and circle. (听单词或短语,圈出意义相符的图片.)
二、Listen and number. (听句子,为下列图片排序。)
三、Listen and tick or cross. (听对话,判断图片内容是否相符。)
四、Listen and choose the correct answer. (听问句,选出合适的答句。)
五、Listen and finish the dialogue. (听一听,选择合适的句子补全对话.)
  • 18. Listen and finish the dialogue

    A. Talk quietly.

    B. What are you doing?

    C. It's reading a book.

    D. I like cartoons, too.

    E. What are they doing?

    Oliver: Hi, Sarah. .

    Sarah: I'm watching the cartoon.

    Oliver: Amazing! . Look at the bears. .

    Sarah: They are eating the apples.

    Oliver: What is the squirrel doing?


    Oliver: Look, the monkeys are dancing. So funny!

    Mum: Your baby brother is sleeping.

    Oliver: OK.

六、Read and write (根据划线部分的发音,为下面的单词找家.)
七、Copy and write. (描句子,再写下来。)
八、Read and match. (读一读,连一连.)
  • 21. Read and match

    ⑴Keep your desk clean.            


    ⑵Keep to the right.                 


    ⑶Talk quietly.                     


    ⑷No eating                       


九、Look and number. (看图,为句子标出序号.)
  • 22. Look and number

    A.  B.  C.  D.  E.

    1. (1) I like summer best because of Children's Day.
    2. (2) I like autumn best l often pick apples with my family.
    3. (3) I like winter best because I can make a snowman.
    4. (4) I like summer best because I can swim.
    5. (5) I like spring; best because l often go on a picnic with my family.
十、Read and order the sentences. (为下列句子排序,组成完整的对话。)
  • 23. Read and order the sentences.

       1    Why are you shopping today, Sarah?

    My mum worked last night. So I'm shopping today.

    Yes, but I'm also hard-working. I usually wash my clothes. Sometimes I cook dinner.

    I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father.

    Good girl! So what do you do on the weekend?

    That sounds like a lot of fun.

       7   You're so busy! You need a robot to help you!

十一、Read and judge. (读一读,判断对错.)
  • 24. Read and judge

    1. (1) The kittens are pink on April 15th.
    2. (2) The kitten's eyes are open on April 26th.
    3. (3) The kittens make noises on April 15th.
    4. (4) The kittens can swim on May 3rd.

