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更新时间:2016-12-17 浏览次数:359 类型:期中考试
  • 11. 选词完成句子,将字母代号填写在横线上。

    A. at    B. bears   C. It's    D. do   E. is

    1. (1) - What colour  the car? -It's black.

    2. (2) Look  the monkey. Its tail is long.

    3. (3) - What are they? - They are.

    4. (4) Do you like sweets? - Yes, I.

    5. (5) I like this robot,  cool.

  • 12. 阅读理解,判断正误(对的用T表示,错的用F表示)。

        Hello, I'm Mary. Today is my birthday. I have many gifts. Look, this is a new skirt. It's pink and blue. I like it very much. This is a story book. It's funny. And here are some toys for me. Look, this is a toy cat. It's so cute. And I have a yummy cake for my birthday. Taste it, so sweet. I like this cake very much. And I am very happy today. What about you?

    1. (1) Today is Mary's birthday.

    2. (2) Mary has a new dress.

    3. (3) She has a toy cat. It's cute.

    4. (4) Mary doesn't like the story book.

    5. (5) The cake is very yummy.

