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更新时间:2021-05-17 浏览次数:153 类型:二轮复习
  • 22. 选出正确答语

    A. About five minutes.

    B. They are fifty yuan.

    C. I play ping-pong.

    D. Sure.

    E. I will go on a trip to the sea.

    1. (1) —What sports do you play?

    2. (2) —Would you come to play?

    3. (3) —How many minutes do you walk?

    4. (4) —How much are the gifts?

    5. (5) —What will you do for the summer holiday?

  • 28. 阅读短文,回答问题

        Hi! I'm Peter. I love winter. I like to play in the snow. I like to make snow men with my friends. Last winter holiday, I went to Harbin with my family. I saw ice houses and ice animals there. I went skating on the ice. It was so fun.

        This winter, I will see something different. I will go to Hainan and see the beach. It is warm in Hainan in February. There are many beautiful flowers. I will lie on the beach and look at the birds in the sky. I can't wait!

    1. (1) Where did Peter go last winter?
    2. (2) Who did he go with?
    3. (3) What did he do there?
    4. (4) Where will Peter go this winter?
    5. (5) What will Peter do on the beach?

