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更新时间:2020-10-27 浏览次数:262 类型:期末考试
  • 22. 听录音,根据听到的短文内容,填入所缺单词。

    Dear Anna,

    How are you? I'm very because it's going to be Chinese New Year Friday. Last year, my family the . I many interesting things in Beijing. Mike and I are our for this year. Mike is going to our house tomorrow. We are going to together with our relatives on Chinese New Year's Eve. We are going to have a good time. What about you?



  • 29. 中英互译
    1. (1) 隔壁办公室the
    2. (2) at first
    3. (3) 昨晚 evening
    4. (4) hold onto
    5. (5) 变得富有
    6. (6) waste energy
    7. (7) 带我参观
    8. (8) then and now
    9. (9) 嘲笑愚公 Yu Gong
    10. (10) long long ago
  • 30. 中英互译
    1. (1) 一个细心的女孩 a girl
    2. (2) pick the orange up
    3. (3) 使用许多油
    4. (4) What happened?
  • 45. 交际语匹配

    ⑴What does the sign mean?                A. He found it under the sofa.

    ⑵Where did your father find it?             B. We should reuse it.

    ⑶Did you read a storybook?                C. Yes, it was.

    ⑷Was it the tenth of January last Monday?  D. She's looking for her shoes.

    ⑸How to save water?                      E. Jim does.

    ⑹What is Nancy looking for?               F. It means you shouldn't litter.

    ⑺Where are you going?                    G. Yes, there are many clouds.

    ⑻Who makes the bedroom dirty?           H. Sorry, you can't.

    ⑼Is it cloudy today?                        I. No, I read newspapers.

    ⑽Can I take juice into the bookshop?       J. We're going to Hong Kong.

  • 46. 根据Jim的朋友圈信息回答下列问题。

    1. (1) How was the weather?
    2. (2) Did Jim watch the film this weekend?
    3. (3) Did Jim go to the Great Wall this weekend?
    4. (4) Who had a birthday party?
    5. (5) What are you going to do tomorrow? (根据实际情况回答)
  • 47. 根据上下文及首字母提示完成下列短文,每空一词。

    N D holiday is coming soon. I l travelling(旅行) very much. Last year, I h a lot of fun in Disneyland. But this holiday, I'm going to stay with my friends. We're going to m at the Palace M. Because we want to b the volunteers(志愿者) there. We're going to t the visitors (游客) about the history of China(中国历史). We'll have a meaningful holiday!

  • 48. 阅读短文,判断下列句子意思是否与文章相符。

    Dog, Cat and Duck are good friends. One day, they are playing hide-and-seek. It's Duck's turn to find Dog and Cat, he closes his eyes and gets ready to catch his friends. All of them are happy. Suddenly, Duck falls into a deep hole. Dog and Cat don't know how to help their friend. They start to cry, "Help! Help!" A bird stops and says, "I have a good idea. Let's ask Elephant for help." Elephant puts his long nose into the hole, but it's not long enough. Then he has another good idea. He goes back to a river and gets as much water as he can with his long nose. Then he puts the water into the hole. When the hole is full of water, Duck climbs out of the hole easily.

    1. (1) Duck jumps into the hole happily.
    2. (2) Dog and Cat help Duck get out of the hole.
    3. (3) Bird is very clever.
    4. (4) At first, Elephant puts his long nose into the hole, and it helps Duck.
    5. (5) Elephant puts the water into the hole and saves Duck at last.
  • 49. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。

    We have only one Earth. We get land(土地), air and water from the Earth. We should take care of these things. We should keep them clean. Farmers grow food on land. Food from dirty land is bad for us, so we should keep the land clean. We can't build(建造) too many houses. There isn't much land on Earth for farming. We should save it.

    We all need water. We cannot live without water. We drink and use it. But there is not much water in many places. In some places, dirty water pollutes the rivers. Some people waste water. We should keep the air clean too. We need fresh air to live.

    1. (1) We get ___________ from the Earth.
      A . land B . water and air C . both A and B
    2. (2) What does "without" mean?
      A . B . 没有 C .
    3. (3) We can't use too much land to build houses, because __________.


      A . there isn't much land on the Earth for farming B . people have their own houses now C . we should save houses
    4. (4) We should save it. Here "it" means ___________.
      A . water B . air C . land
    5. (5) What is the main idea about this passage?
      A . It tells us how to keep our city clean.    B . It tells us why we should protect the Earth.  C . It tells us there are many things on Earth.
  • 50. 十年前,Linda是一个小女孩。和她的父母住在英国。她不会说中文,也不会在网上看新闻。但是,现在她一名学生了。她在澳门学习。她喜欢收集旧东西,并且再利用他们做许多其他的东西。她将做一个关于“环保”的课题,你愿意加入她吗?

    Ten years , Linda a little girl, she in the UK with her parents. She couldn't Chinese, she couldn't watch on the Internet either. But now she's a student. She in Macau. She likes old things and reuses them to make many things. She's to a project about "Environment". Would you like to join her?

