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更新时间:2021-04-22 浏览次数:156 类型:期末考试
  • 21. 句子匹配

                I                             II

    ⑴What's this?              A. No, thank you.

    ⑵Would you like a pie?     B. Yes, it is.

    ⑶Is that your schoolbag?    C. How beautiful!

    ⑷Look! A bird!              D. It's a crayon.

  • 22. 句子匹配

    ⑴How old are you?      A. She's my aunt.

    ⑵Make a wish.          B. I'm five.

    ⑶What are these?       C. I want a robot.

    ⑷Who's that woman?   D. They're oranges.

  • 25. 口语交际

    A. What's that on the chair?

    B. Where's my English book?

    C. Is it on your desk?

    D. Thank you.

    A: Hurry up, Yang Ling. It's time for school.

    B: Mum!

    A: Is it in your schoolbag?

    B: No, it isn't.


    B: No. It isn't on my desk.


    B: Oh, it's my English book.

  • 26. 图文匹配

    A. B. C. D.

    1. (1) —It's time for school.


    2. (2) —Is this your ruler?

      —Yes, it is.

    3. (3) —This is my sister, Su Yang.

      —Nice to meet you.

    4. (4) —Happy birthday!

      —Thank you.

  • 27. 图文匹配

    A. B. C. D.

    1. (1) Porky is hungry, he is eating some rice.
    2. (2) Farmer Brown's cow Milky wants to eat some grass.
    3. (3) Peter is very hot, he can swim in the pool now.
    4. (4) Joe likes running, he's wearing his favourite running shoes.
  • 28. 根据短文内容,从所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的答案。

    Hello! I am Lucy. This is my sister Lily. We are twins. We're ten years old. I like dancing and Lily likes drawing (画画).

    This is a picture of our room. Our room is not big, but it is very nice! Look at my red schoolbag. It is on the desk. Lily's schoolbag is orange. It is beside the chair. You can see a big doll on the bed, we both (h1) like this doll. A small ball is on the floor. It is Mimi's toy. Mimi is a lovely cat, it is yellow and white. It is under the bed now.

    1. (1) Lucy and Lily are           .
      A . 10 B . 11 C . 12
    2. (2) Lucy and Lily's room is           .
      A . big B . nice C . not small
    3. (3) Lucy's schoolbag is           .
      A . Orange B . red C . yellow and white
    4. (4) Mimi's small ball is           .
      A . on the bed B . on the desk C . on the floor
  • 29. 根据图文内容判断下列句子是否正确,

    1. (1) The lion is not hungry.
    2. (2) The rabbit is jumping.
    3. (3) The deer is bigger than(比) the rabbit.
    4. (4) The lion wants to eat the deer for dinner.
    5. (5) The lion lost both the rabbit and the deer.

