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人教版(PEP)小学英语六年级下册Unit 2单元测试卷(1...

更新时间:2020-05-11 浏览次数:167 类型:单元试卷
  • 7. 找出各句的应答语。

    ⑴What are you doing?                     A. I went to the park.

    ⑵What did you do last Monday?            B. At seven o'clock.

    ⑶Where are you going next weekend?     C. I'm washing my clothes.

    ⑷Did you read the book?                   D. I'm going the museum.

    ⑸When did you get up yesterday?           E. No, I didn't.

  • 23. 从方框中选择合适的句子补全下面的对话。

    A. I did my homework and watered the flowers.

    B. What did you do then?

    C. Good afternoon, Zhang Jing.

    D. Were you busy this morning?

    E. How about you?

    Li Ping:

    Zhang Jing: Good afternoon, Li Ping.

    Li Ping:

    Zhang Jing: Yes, I was.

    Li Ping:

    Zhang Jing: I cleaned the house.

    Li Ping: I was busy this morning, too.

    Zhang Jing: What did you do?

    Li Ping:

  • 29. 完型填空。

        Last summer holiday, my family 1 to Hong Kong. On the first morning, my father took us to Shenzhen. After lunch, we 2 a car to Hong Kong. Hong Kong was a beautiful city. There were 3 People there. We just went shopping. Then we 4 a good dinner. The next day, we went to the Ocean Park. It was very 5. The pandas there were very lovely. I like them very much!

    A . went B . go C . goes
    A . take B . taking C . took
    A . any B . many C . much
    A . had B . have C . having
    A . happy B . bored C . interesting
  • 30. 阅读短文,判断下面句子的正误。

        Once a miser(吝啬鬼) told his servant(仆人).to buy some wine(酒). He gave the servant an empty bottle, but he didn't give him any money. "How can I buy wine without money, sir?" the servant asked. "Anyone knows how to buy wine with money. To buy wine without money is a special skill. After a while, the servant came back and told the miser to drink. "But this is an empty bottle. How can I drink? "Well," said the servant. "Anyone knows how to drink wine. To drink wine from an empty bottle is a special skill, too!"

    1. (1) Anyone can buy wine without money.
    2. (2) The miser bought some wine with some money.
    3. (3) The miser paid no money, so he got no wine.
    4. (4) The servant thought the miser could drink wine from an empty bottle.
    5. (5) The servant isn't as clever as the miser.
  • 31. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。

        Last Sunday was Teachers' Day. On that day, each teacher got lots of gifts. All of the students gave special gifts to their favourite teachers. I bought cards to my teachers. I said “Happy Teachers' Day!” My teachers worked very hard, and I wanted to thank my teachers. I hope each teacher will be happy every day.

    1. (1) Last Sunday was       .
      A . Spring Festival B . Teachers' Day C . Children's Day
    2. (2) On that day, each teacher got lots of       .
      A . toys B . gifts C . books
    3. (3) I bought        for my teachers.
      A . clothes B . dresses C . cards
    4. (4) Teachers' Day means "       ".
      A . 教师节 B . 儿童节 C . 新年
    5. (5) I want to thank my       .
      A . friends B . teachers C . parents

