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更新时间:2020-04-20 浏览次数:139 类型:单元试卷
  • 1. 找朋友,请在句子中找出一个与例词划线部分含有相同发音的单词。

    例如: (trousers) tree         They are my new trousers.

    1. (1) mask         There are some books on the desk.
    2. (2) sport         The weather is warm in spring.
    3. (3) toast         Don't run too fast in the corridors.
    4. (4) wasp        All the children like crisps very much.
    5. (5) skate        You can enjoy the blue sky on the beach.
  • 13. 从方框内选择恰当的句子,补全对话。

    A. Where do you live?

    B. What time does your party begin?

    C. It's on 5th October.

    D. You can bring some green things to the party.

    E. How can I get here?

    Joe: My birthday is coming! Welcome to my birthday party!

    Peter: When's your birthday?



    Joe: I live on Blue Street. It's far from my school.


    Joe: You can get there by bus.


    Joe: It begins at two o' clock. It's a green party.

    Peter: That sounds great. I can't wait.

  • 14. 阅读短文,根据短文内容用A、B、C、D、E给图画排序。

        Jenny has a big family. There are six people in her family. They are her parents, grandparents, sister and herself. Her grandfather sometimes reads newspapers in the sofa. Her grandmother always cooks nice food. Her father is a doctor. He often helps sick people. He likes making model ships. Her mother is an Art teacher. She can play the violin. Jenny's sister is a student. She likes drawing picture. What a happy family!

  • 15. 阅读理解

        Mr Green and Mrs Green live on Red Street. They have two children. One is seven and the other is nine. In the morning, Mr Green goes to work and the children go to school. Their father takes them to school every day by car. Their car is new and cool. Mrs Green stays at home. She does a lot of housework in the morning. In the afternoon, sometimes she goes shopping. She goes out by bike. But she usually stays at home on a hot day. They have dinner at a quarter past six. After that, they play games, go for a walk or watch TV. Tomorrow is 17th October. It is her daughter's birthday. Mrs Green will have a birthday party for her. It begins at half past two in the afternoon. Her daughter likes pink. Mrs Green will buy a pink dress for her. It will be a happy day.

    1. (1) Mr Green and Mrs Green have three children.
    2. (2) Mr Green takes the children to school by bus.
    3. (3) Mrs Green's daughter's birthday is on 17th October.
    4. (4) The party will begin at 6:15.
    5. (5) Mrs Green will buy a pink dress for her daughter.
    6. (6) There are __________ people in the family.
      A . two B . three C . four
    7. (7) How do the children go to school?
      A . By car. B . By bus. C . On foot.
    8. (8) Mrs Green sometimes __________ in the afternoon.
      A . takes a walk in the park B . goes shopping C . plays basketball
    9. (9) They have dinner at__________.
      A . 2:00 B . 6:15 C . 2:30
    10. (10) After dinner, they __________.
      A . play games B . go for a walk or watch TV C . Both A and B

