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更新时间:2020-02-03 浏览次数:247 类型:期末考试
一、Listen and number.
二、Listen and choose.
三、Listen and tick or cross.
四、Listen and circle.
五、Write down the Chinese meaning of the following words.
六、Look, read and match.
  • 17. Look, read and match.

    ⑴When do you go to sleep?         A. We have some noodles.

    ⑵What's for breakfast?              B. At nine o'clock.

    ⑶Where is the dog?                 C. Yes. Thank you.

    ⑷How do you go to school?          D. I like winter.

    ⑸Would you like some bread?        E. It's under the bed.

    ⑹Which season do you like?          F. By bike.

七、Read and complete the sentences.
  • 18. Read and complete the sentences.

    Where    When    Which    How    What

    1. (1) —  season do you like?

      — I like spring.

    2. (2) —  do you go to school?

      — Seven thirty.

    3. (3) —  does your parents go to work?

      — By car.

    4. (4) —  is my football? I can't find it.

      — It's under the chair.

    5. (5) —  time is it?

      — It's four thirty.

八、Look, read and judge.
九、Read and choose.
十、 Read and choose.

