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更新时间:2020-02-05 浏览次数:383 类型:期中考试
一、Listen and number.
二、Listen and choose.
三、Listen and number.
  • 8. Listen and number.

    OK. Yong man, open your mouth and say "Ah".

    It hurts badly. I can't walk.

    No, I don't keep a cat. I like dogs.

    I like to go roller-skating.

    But I like country music best.

四、Listen and match.
五、Read and choose.
六、Look, read and choose.
  • 15. Look, read and choose.

    A. B.   C. D. E.

    1. (1) My sister has a high fever.
    2. (2) My grandfather can play erhu.
    3. (3) My brother keeps a turtle.
    4. (4) I like to go roll-skating in the afternoon.
    5. (5) My uncle likes country music best.
七、Read, choose and write.
  • 16. Read, choose and write.

    temperature  where  model  building  Excuse  wrong  way  quiet  test  hurts

    1. (1) I like cats, because they are .
    2. (2) My brother likes to make  planes.
    3. (3) What's  with you, Lingling? You look sad.
    4. (4) Let me take your . You have a fever!
    5. (5) She needs to take a blood  first.
    6. (6) My neck .
    7. (7) The police station is behind the grey .
    8. (8)  me,  can I find the teachers' office?
    9. (9) Can you tell me the  to the post office?
八、Look, read and write.
九、Read and write.
  • 22. Read and write.
    1. (1) b    bad      bike          
    2. (2) c    cat       cake         
    3. (3) d   mind      lend         
十、Write down the Chinese or English of the following words.
  • 23. Write down the Chinese or English of the following words.
    1. (1) nearby
    2. (2) 层;地面;地板
    3. (3) folk music
    4. (4) 量体温
    5. (5) 嗓子疼
    6. (6) 遛狗
    7. (7) classical music

