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更新时间:2019-12-17 浏览次数:175 类型:复习试卷
  • 5. 选择配伍

    ⑴Can Alice dance ?              A、I'm fine.

    ⑵How old are you ?             B、Yes , she can.

    ⑶Where is Joe ?                   C、She's a teacher.

    ⑷How are you ?                   D、He's in the classroom.

    ⑸What is your mother ?      E、I'm eight.

  • 6. 找出恰当答语。

    What can you do ?                                      A、He likes reading books.

    How does she go to school every day ?     B、Yes, I can.

    Whose dog is this ?                                     C、I can fly kites.

    What does he like doing ?                           D、She walks to school every day.

    Can you sing ?                                             E、It's my dog.

  • 7. 读一读,连线。

    ① How are you?          A. You're welcome.

    ② Are you hungry?           B. Thanks, Kitty.

    ③ I am very sad.         C. I'm thirsty and tired.

    ④ Thanks, John.        D. Yes, I am.

    ⑤ Please have some water.       E. Because(因为) I can't see my bike.

  • 8. 看图,读一读,选择适当句子补全对话。

    A. She can't see her pet dog.

    B. I'm full now.

    C. Can I have some water?

    D. I am hungry, Mum.

    E. I am sad.

    1. (1)

       I can't find my watch.


    2. (2)

      -- How are you, Bill?

      --I want a hamburger.


    3. (3)

      -- Who's that girl? She looks sad.


    4. (4)

      --Are you thirsty, Harry?


    5. (5)

      Look,I can't eat any food.

  • 9. (2019四上·福田期中) 读一读,选择正确的句子完成对话,将句子编号写在相应的位置

    A. Let's go to a fast food shop.

    B. Let's go home.

    C. Let's sit by the fire.

    D. Let's watch TV.

    E. Let's sit on the grass.

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
    5. (5)

