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更新时间:2019-12-17 浏览次数:195 类型:复习试卷
  • 33. 选出与所给例词同类的词,填入线上。

    hi   see  two  small  swim  sister  biscuits

        I'm Sally. I'm thin and . I can sing and . Every morning, I say hello to my classmates and they say to me. I like to look and with my eyes. I like number three and . This is a picture of my family. She's my mother and she's my . They like eating cakes and .

  • 34. 选词填空。

     tall   thin    We     family    picture  mother

    1. (1) This is a of Kitty's .

    2. (2) How's your , Mary? She's and .

    3. (3) are good friends.

  • 35. 读一读,根据上下文,填空完成句子。

    library    ears    desks    open    Close    cake

    1. (1) My are long. I'm a rabbit.

    2. (2) I'm hungry. A , please.

    3. (3) The is big. The hall is big, too.

    4. (4) your books. Look at the blackboard.

    5. (5) Clean the , please.

    6. (6) It's hot(热) in the room. Please the windows.

  • 36. 选词填空。

    put on       count     How many

    1. (1) Please  the pens.

    2. (2)  chairs?

    3. (3)  your coat, please.

  • 37. 选词填空。

    bird            mouse          rabbit

    1. (1) It can fly in the sky. What is it?

    2. (2) It is white. It can jump. What is it?

    3. (3) It can swim. Its tail is long. What is it?

  • 38. 选词填空。

    cool   fly a kite   winter   white   In

    1. (1) In autumn, It is. It is yellow. I can .

    2. (2) In, It is cold. It is. I can play a snowman.

    3. (3) Let's make a snowman. summer, it's hot.

