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更新时间:2019-12-20 浏览次数:224 类型:期末考试
  • 27. 选择方框内的单词或词组完成下列句子,每个只限用一次。

    miss   shout   firefighter  good at    go to bed

    1. (1) Lucy's uncle is a . He can help people.
    2. (2) —Do you your grandparents?


    3. (3) —Don't in the library.

      —Oh, sorry.

    4. (4) —What time do ?

      —At ten o'clock.

    5. (5) Linda is dancing. She can dance very well.
  • 28. 从右栏中找出适合左栏的答语

    ⑴Did you help your dad?                     A. We have classes.

    ⑵Come with us.                                    B. I feel better.

    ⑶How do you feel?                              C. All right.

    ⑷What did you do at the weekend?    D. I did my homework.

    ⑸What do you do at nine o'clock?       E. Yes, I did.

  • 29. 根据对话内容,选择方框内的句子完成对话。每个句子只能使用一次。

    A. John, Amy and May.

    B. I found her last.

    C. I'm playing hide-and-seek.

    D. Behind the door.

    E. I found John first.

    A: What are you doing, Tom?


    A: Who are playing with you?


    A: Oh, I see.

    B: Who is seeking?

    A: I'm seeking.

    B: Who did you find first?


    B: Who is the winner?

    A: May is the winner.

    B: Where did you find her?


  • 30. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容选择正确答案,并将答案的标号写在题前的括号内。

        Leo and his parents live at White Street, London. Leo's father, Mr Smith goes to work by car in the morning. Leo and his sister Sue go to school by school bus. They go at eight o'clock. Mrs Smith stays at home every day. She does the housework. She always eat her friends. They often drink tea together. Leo and Sue go home at half past four. They have dinner at seven in the evening. Before dinner they always read books and do homework.

    1. (1) Sue is Leo's _____________.
      A . brother B . mother C . sister
    2. (2) Mr Smith always________________.
      A . has lunch at home B . goes to work by car C . does the housework
    3. (3) Leo goes to school ________________.
      A . at eight B . at half past four C . by car
    4. (4) Mrs Smith __________________ every day.
      A . read books B . visit her friends C . stays at home
    5. (5) —Where does Leo live?

      —He lives ___________________.

      A . in the UK B . near the school C . in the school
  • 31. 下面上表格是Xiao Mei在超市购物清单。请你根据下表格的提示,介绍Jenny的购物情况。

    Xiao Mei's shopping list

    Bananas: five

    Pears: two kilos

    Juice: four bottles

    Meat: one kilo

    Rice: five kilos

        Hello, I'm Xiao Mei. I'm going shopping tomorrow. I'm going to buy five bananas and two kilos of pears. I'm going to buy four bottles of juice. And I want to buy one kilo of meat and five kilos of rice.

    Jenny's shopping list

    Apples: six

    Oranges: ten

    Milk: five bottles

    Fish: two kilos

    Tomatoes: one kilo

