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更新时间:2019-12-19 浏览次数:393 类型:期末考试
  • 6. 图文配对

    A. B. C. D. E.

    1. (1) We get to Qingdao from Dalian by ferry.
    2. (2) Many children go to school by school bus.
    3. (3) Going by taxi is expensive.
    4. (4) In the USA, people on bikes must wear a helmet
    5. (5) It is red. We must stop and wait!
  • 22. 读英文句子,选中文翻译

    A. We're going to draw some pictures.

    B. She is going to water the flowers.

    C. We have many comic books about space travel.

    D. I have to do my homework now.

    E. My family are going to have a big dinner.

    1. (1) 我现在必须做作业。
    2. (2) 我的家人准备吃大餐。
    3. (3) 我们打算画画。
    4. (4) 我们有很多关于太空旅行的连环画。
    5. (5) 她打算去浇花。
  • 23. 选择合适的选项补全对话

    A. How old is she?

    B. What are you doing?

    C. What are her hobbies?

    D. What is her name?

    E. Where does she live?

    Lucy: Hey. Tom!

    Tom: I am writing an email to my new pen pal. Look! This is her picture.

    Lucy: She is cute.

    Tom: Her name is Diana.


    Tom: She lives on a farm in New Zealand.


    Tom: She is fifteen. She is older than me.


    Tom: She likes singing and drawing.

    Lucy: Great! She is a good girl.

  • 24. 开心阅读,正确选择。

        Hi! Dear friends! I am Sam. Please come and meet my family! Look, this is a photo of my family. That is my father. He is tall and strong. He is a good driver. He drives the bus every day. He goes to work by bike. This is my mother. She works in a school. She teaches maths. She goes to work by bike. Look at the tall boy. He is my brother. He likes playing basketball and swimming. He plays basketball well. The man and the woman are my uncle and aunt. My uncle is a doctor and my aunt is a nurse. They work in the same hospital. They go to work by car. Oh, look! The girl in front of them is my cousin. She is a student. We are in the same school. We go to school on foot together.

    1. (1) There are       people in Sam's family.
      A . six B . seven C . eight
    2. (2) Sam's father drives        every day.
      A . car B . taxi C . bus
    3. (3) Sam is brother doesn't like         .
      A . basketball B . swimming C . drawing
    4. (4) Sam's aunt and uncle work in a         .
      A . gym B . hospital C . post office
    5. (5) Sam and his cousin go to school          .
      A . on foot B . by bike C . by bus

