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更新时间:2019-12-24 浏览次数:238 类型:期中考试
  • 11. 选择合适的单词补全句子

    A. long    B. Mr    C. and    D. fine    E. Mrs    F. young

    1. (1) — Is she Wang?

      — Yes, she is.

    2. (2) — How are you Ben.

      — I'm . Thank you.

    3. (3) Look at this monkey. It has a tail(尾巴).
    4. (4) — Who is he?

      — He's Zhang.

    5. (5) My grandfather is old. My sister is .
    6. (6) This is my friend. She is tall thin.
六、读一读,选择正确的单词填空。 (4分)
  • 30. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案

        I have three good friends. They are Linda, John and Danny. Linda is a girl. She has long hair and big eyes. She is beautiful. She likes toy rabbits. She has a white toy rabbit. It has long ears and small eyes. John is a boy. He has a big head. He has short hair. He has a toy plane. It's yellow. It can fly. Danny is a boy too. He has a small head. He has short hair and small eyes. He has a toy car. He can drive (驾驶) the toy car!

    1. (1) Linda has ________________ hair and ________________ eyes.
      A . short; small B . short; big C . long; big
    2. (2) Linda has a ________________. It's white.
      A . toy dog B . toy rabbit C . toy cat
    3. (3) John has a ________________ head and ________________ hair.
      A . small; short B . big; short C . small; long
    4. (4) — What colour is John's toy plane?

      — It's ________________.

      A . yellow B . white C . blue
    5. (5) — What can Danny do?

      — He can drive the ________________.

      A . toy plane B . toy bus C . toy car

