当前位置: 小学英语 /牛津上海版(深圳用) /五年级上册 /Module 1 Getting to know each other /Unit 1 My future
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更新时间:2019-08-22 浏览次数:265 类型:同步测试
  • 12. 选词填空。
    cook,   want,   driver,   teaches,   be,   pilot,   cooking,   playing
    1. (1) —What do youto be?

      —I want toa cook.

    2. (2) —What does your aunt do?

      —She is a teacher. SheArt.

    3. (3) —Is your father a?

      —Yes, he is. He flies a plane in the sky.

    4. (4) Joe likes He wants to be a cook. He wants tofood.
    5. (5) My father is a taxi. He drives his taxi every day.
    6. (6) Lily is good at  basketball. She is in the basketball club.
  • 18. 读一读,补全对话

    A. What do you want to be?

    B. What subject do you want to teach?

    C. Do you want to be a doctor?

    D. I'm good at singing and dancing.

    E. They help people.

    Jerry: Hi, Linda. What do your parents do on Sunday?

    Linda: They go to work on Sunday. They are doctors.


    Linda: No, I don't.


    Linda: I want to be a teacher. I want to teach children.


    Linda: I want to teach Music. I like Music.

  • 19. 阅读短文,判断正误。

        I have three good friends. They are Peter, Jack and Mike. Peter doesn't play TV games. But he watches TV and sleeps a lot. Jack doesn't read books. but he plays football. Mike doesn't watch TV. But he plays basketball. We often play together.

    1. (1) I have two good friends.
    2. (2) Peter plays TV games.toto
    3. (3) Jack doesn't read books.
    4. (4) Mike doesn't watch TV.
    5. (5) Mike doesn't play basketball.

