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更新时间:2019-11-13 浏览次数:255 类型:期末考试
一、Read and copy.读一读,把下列单词规范地抄写在四线三格上。(5分)
二、Read and choose.读一读,选出不同类的一项。(5分)
三、Read and choose.根据所给图片选择单词补全句子。(5分)
四、Listen and choose.情景交际。(5分)
五、 Read and write. (20分)
  • 22. 根据短文选择正确的答案。

        This is my room. I have a desk, a chair and a toy box. My map is on the desk. My cap is on the chair. I have 16 toys in my box. The ball is blue. The car is yellow. The boat is red.

    1. (1) My ________is on the desk.
      A . cap B . map
    2. (2) My cap is on the ___________.
      A . chair B . desk
    3. (3) I have __________ toys in my box.
      A . seventeen B . sixteen
    4. (4) The ball is ____________.
      A . red B . blue
  • 23. Read and judge.根据图片判断下面的句子正误。

    1. (1) I can see a pear on the table.
    2. (2) I can see three apples on the table.
    3. (3) I can see a ball under the table.
    4. (4) I can see a cat under the table.
    5. (5) I can see a pen in the pencil box.
  • 24. 读短文完成下面的连线。

    The giraffe has a very long neck. The frog has very long legs. The bird has a very long beak. The elephant has a very long trunk. The monkey has a very long tail. The walrus has very long teeth. The hippopotamus has a very long name.

    ⑴a very long neck        A.

    ⑵very long legs           B.

    ⑶a very long beak        C.

    ⑷a very long trunk        D.

    ⑸a very long tail           E.

    ⑹very long teeth           F.

    ⑺a very long name        G.

