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更新时间:2019-05-30 浏览次数:434 类型:小升初真题
  • 46. 听短文,判断正误
    1. (1) Xiao Ming wrote an email to Nick.
    2. (2) Nick didn't have a busy Saturday.
    3. (3) Nick did the dishes after breakfast last Saturday morning.
    4. (4) Nick was ill, and he saw the doctor in the afternoon.
    5. (5) Nick is a helpful boy.
  • 47. 补全对话

    A. How are we going there?

    B. How do we use it?

    C. Can we go to the cinema by car?

    D. Where can we park the bikes?

    E. And is it free?

    F. What do you like?

    G. What are we going to do?

    Alan: It is Saturday, Dad.

    Dad: What about going to the cinema? I like watching movies.

    Alan: Good idea.


    Alan: There's no bus or subway getting there.

    Dad: Sorry, we can't. The traffic is so heavy, so I want to go there by shared bike(共享单车).

    Alan: By shared bike? That sounds good.

    Dad: No, it's not free(免费的), hut it's very cheap. It costs only one yuan per hour(每小时)..

    Alan: Wow! Let's go, Dad. I can't wait!

    (Dad and Alan find two shared bikes on the street.)

    Alan: Dad, I have never(从未) tried it before.

    Dad: Scan the QR code(扫描二维码) on the bike, and then it will unlock(解锁). Now you can ride the bike. But children under 12 can't ride the bike. It's banned(禁止的).

    Alan: I see, Dad. I am 13 years old.

    Dad: Yes. Off we go, Alan.

    Alan: Great.

    (Dad and Alan arrive at the cinema.)

    Alan: Dad, here we are, in front of the cinema.

    Dad: Good question(问题), Alan. We can't park(停放) the bikes randomly(随意的). We should put them in the right place.

    Alan: Oh, I find the parking zone(停车区). Let's put the bikes here and lock them.

    Dad: Good boy!

  • 48. 如果你的朋友生病了,你会如何安慰他?请读下面的短文,判断正误。

        How are you feeling? You missed school last week. Then I heard(听到) from Jason that you fell off your bike on your way to school last Tuesday. And you hurt your leg. I also heard you stayed in hospital for several days. I hope (希望) your leg doesn't hurt too much. Now you are at home. You must be bored(无聊的) staying at home all day. I will go to visit you this weekend. Do you need anything? If you like, I can bring(拿来) you some picture books. Everyone in our class misses you and we all hope you can get well soon.

    Best wishes,


    1. (1) This letter is from Jean.
    2. (2) Jean is in hospital now.
    3. (3) Jean fell off her bike and hurt her leg.
    4. (4) In this letter, "missed school" means "想念学校" and "misses you" 想念你".
    5. (5) Jack cares about(关爱) his classmates.
  • 49. 你喜欢看小丑表演吗?你知道如何装扮成小丑吗?读下面的短文,回答问题。

        One day, Alice found(找到) a book in the study. It was about clowns(小丑). She loved the story and she told her mum all about it. "Mum, I want to be a clown now," Alice said. "Well, let's make a clown!" Mum said and pointed to a big box. Inside the box, there were lots of old clothes and paints.

        First, Alice painted her face white. Then she painted her mouth yellow. Next, she put on her red nose. After putting on a red nose, Mum gave Alice a silly wig(假发), a polka dot(带原点的) jacket and large trousers(长裤). She also gave Alice big black shoes. "Now go and look in a big mirror(镜子), Alice," Mum said. Alice looked at her face and clothes. She laughed and said, "I am a clown now."

    1. (1) Choose a title for the story.
      A . A story about a box. B . Alice wants to be a clown.
    2. (2) Where did Alice find the book?
      A . In the library. B . At home.
    3. (3) What does the word "paints" mean?
      A . 颜料 B . 图画
    4. (4) What did Alice need to be a clown?
      A . Paints, a red nose, a silly wig, a polka dot jacket, large trousers and big black shoes. B . A mirror.
    5. (5) What do you think of Alice?
      A . She is a curious girl. B . She is a bored (无聊的) girl.
  • 50. 选词填空

    learn, swim, different, farm, took, trees, monkeys, don't, wrote, on

        my last birthday, I went to Animal World. My uncle me and my sister there in his car. I love Animal World, but I always like zoos. Sometimes the animals are unhappy in the zoos, but Animal World is . There are big green for the giraffes. They love to walk and eat the green leaves. The hippos have a lake to in. There are rocks(岩石) for the to climb. There's also a with rabbits, ducks and hens. Children can a lot about the animals. I had a great day there. When I got home, I a story about Animal World.

  • 56. 请从下面两幅图中选择一幅图进行描写。






