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更新时间:2019-05-07 浏览次数:592 类型:单元试卷
  • 12. 听录音,判断下列句子与所听内容是否相符
    1. (1) Sam is at home.
    2. (2) Sam's mother is cooking with his father.
    3. (3) Sam's grandma is writing a letter.
    4. (4) Sam's sister is writing an email.
    5. (5) Sam's brother is playing computer games.
  • 33. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。

        Today is a fine day, and my mum takes me to the zoo. There are many animals in the zoo. Look! There are two tigers. They are walking. Two rabbits are running and a lion is sleeping. I like monkeys best. They are playing now. They like eating yellow bananas. Sometimes they climb trees, and they are very good climbers(攀爬的动物). Sometimes they jump up and down.

    1. (1) I go to the zoo with        today.
      A . my father B . my mother C . my grandma
    2. (2) The rabbits are       .
      A . walking B . running C . jumping up and down
    3. (3) My favorite animal is           .
      A . the monkey B . the lion C . the tiger
    4. (4) The monkeys are       now.
      A . jumping up and down B . eating yellow bananas C . playing
    5. (5)        are good climbers.
      A . The rabbits B . The monkeys C . The tigers
  • 34. 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答下列问题。

        It's three o'clock in the afternoon. Some girls are in the park. Linda is flying a kite with her friend, Lucy. Mary is near a river. What's she doing? She is watching fish. They are swimming in the river. Amy is behind a tall tree. She is dancing. And what is Lily doing? She's drawing a picture. They are all very happy in the park.

    1. (1) Where are the girls?
    2. (2) What is Linda doing?
    3. (3) What are the fish doing?
    4. (4) What's Amy doing?
    5. (5) What's Lily doing?

