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更新时间:2017-11-03 浏览次数:1026 类型:小升初模拟
  • 1. 选出下列各组中不同类的一项。

         A. second    B. fifth    C. ten      D. eighth

         A. cinema    B. library    C. post office      D. magazine

        A. stronger    B. younger    C. under      D. funnier

  • 2. 选出下列各组中不同类的一项。

         A. he    B. her    C. they      D. it

         A. write    B. slept    C. wash      D. fly

        A. breakfast    B. meal    C. dinner      D. lunch

  • 3. 选出下列各组中不同类的一项。

         A. dress    B. sweater    C. clothes      D. pants

         A. quiet    B. active    C. ice cream      D. smart

         A. snow    B. windy    C. sunny      D. cloudy

         A. swimming    B. sing    C. doing      D. climbing

  • 36. 给下列问句选择合适的答语。

    ① Why do you like spring?      A. I went home at 9:20.

    ② When did you go home last night?     B. They are thirty “five yuan”

    ③ Was there a library in your school before?      C. Because I can fly kites.

    ④ How much are your pants? D. It's big and bright.

    ⑤ What's your new room like? E. No, there wasn't.

  • 37. 按要求改写句子。

    1. (1) My father goes to work by car every day. (对划线部分提问)

          does your father to work every day?

    2. (2) I milked cows on the farm last Sunday. (改为否定句)

      I    cows on the farm last Sunday.

    3. (3) He has eight lamps. (对划线部分提问)


  • 38. 按要求改写句子。
    1. (1) They have an English lesson every day. (用now改写)

      They  an English lesson now.

    2. (2) He does some kung fu in the park. (改为否定句)

      He    kung fu in the park.

九、阅读短文, 根据首字母提示补全单词。
  • 41. 阅读短文, 根据首字母提示补全单词。

    There are s days in a week. They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, W, T, Friday and Saturday. Most children go to school from Monday to Friday. Most people don't won Saturday or Sunday and most shops are closed in England on Saturday afternoon and Sunday. But in China, shops are oevery day. Sunday is always a h. It's the fday of the week. Some people go to church on that day. The time between Friday evening aMonday morning is the w. It is the time for r. We can't work all the time. We have to rest from time to time.


十、阅读短文, 选择正确的答案。
  • 42. 阅读短文, 选择正确的答案。

        There are four seasons in China.   March, April and May make the spring.   June, July and August make the summer. September, October and November make the autumn. The rest(剩下的)of months make the winter.

    The Australia's seasons are opposite(相反的). When it's spring in China, it is autumn in Australia.

    Australia is in the south(南方)of the earth. June, July and August are the winter months. The summer is in December. January and February. It's very hot there, too.

    Near the North Pole(北极)there are two seasons. They are summer and winter. The nights in winter are long. For more than two months you can't see the sun, even at noon. In summer the days are long. For more than two months, the sun never sets(落下), and there's no night.

    1. (1) ____make the winter in China.    
      A . October. November and December B . November, December and January C . December. January and February D . January, February and March
    2. (2) When it's summer in China, it isvin Australia.
      A . winter B . autumn C . spring D . summer
    3. (3) Near the North Pole there are two seasons:____.    
      A . spring and summer B . summer and winter C . summer and autumn D . spring and winter
    4. (4) Near the North Pole, there's no night in summer for more than____months·
      A . one B . two C . three D . four
    5. (5)         near the North Pole in winter.    
      A .   The days are longer than the nights B . The days are as long as the nights C . The days are shorter than the nights D . The nights are shorter than the days

