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更新时间:2017-03-24 浏览次数:623 类型:二轮复习
  • 1. 读Dennis的个人简历,仿写例句,完成Dennis与一个新朋友的对话。

    Personal profile by Dennis Brown

    My name is Dennis Brown and I live in New York. I study computer science. I have a brother and a sister. My sister lives in Washington, D.C. She studies music there. My brother live in Los Angeles and works as a teacher. My parents don't live with all of us there. They live on a farm.

    Friend:So, you study math.

    Dennis:No, I don't study math.I study computer science.

    Friend:You have two brothers, right?


    Friend:Your sister lives in New York.


    Friend:And she studies math, right?


    Friend:And your brother works at a library?


    Friend:Do your parents live in the city?


  • 2. 仿照例句写对话。



    He/in the classroom

    Where is Jim singing?

    He is singing in the classroom.

    1. (1) Where/the postman/go

      He/to our friends' house

    2. (2) Where/the woman/sit

      She/in the park

  • 3.


    Model: —Can he help?

    —Yes, he can. He will pick up the apples.

  • 4. 仿写固定句型。

    Model: They're playing football, but it starts to rain (开始下雨).

    1. (1) He's doing his homework, but his sister(开始唱歌了).

    2. (2) He is doing sports, but it (开始下雪).

  • 5. 照例子写句子。

     Model: I want to buy (buy)a dictionary.

    1. (1) I want (go) the supermarket.

    2. (2) I like (play)the violin.

    3. (3) I need (drink)some water.

  • 6. 照例子写句子。

     Model: I am sending photos(正在发送照片).

    1. (1) Tom (正在看电视).

    2. (2) We (正在进行野餐) in the park.

  • 7. 照例子写单词。

     Model:  run    runs   running




  • 8. 把肯定句改为否定句。

    Model: It looks good.

    It doesn't look good.

    1. (1) The hamburger looks good.

    2. (2) She likes playing basketball.

  • 9. 照例子填空。

     Model:  Can you fly a kite?(你会放风筝吗?)

    1. (1) (他会唱歌吗?)

    2. (2) (你会吹唢呐吗?)

  • 10. 照例子写单词。

     Model: ring    rings   ringing






  • 11. 照例子填空。

     Model:  She is eating dinner.(eat)

    1. (1) Bob isa birthday card for Lili. (make)

    2. (2) You areto say goodbye. (wave)

  • 12. 写出复数句。

     Model:  This is an old box.

    These are old boxes.

    This is a ruler.

  • 13.


     Model: What are you doing?

    We're watching TV.

    1. (1)

    2. (2)

  • 14. 学习一般过去时态。

     Model:  There    was   (be) no one here a moment ago.

    1. (1) I (call) Mike this morning.

    2. (2) Zhang Jiahe (begin) to learn Japanese last year.

    3. (3) Last week we (pick) many apples on the farm.  

  • 15. 仿照例子写句子。

    例: I take off my jacket. 

    I am taking off my jacket. 

    I am going to take off my jacket.

    1. (1) She puts on her scarf.

    2. (2) Danny goes outside.

  • 16. 仿照例子写句子。

    例: I did not play  (not play) football this morning.

    1. (1) My mother (not do) housework yesterday.

    2. (2) It  (not rain)last week.

  • 17. 仿照例子写句子。

    例: What will be the weather like in Harbin tomorrow?

    It will snow in Harbin tomorrow. (snow)

    It will be snowy in Harbin tomorrow.



    . (rain)

  • 18. 写出复数句。

    例: That is an apple.

    Those are apples.

    That is a bird.

  • 19. 仿照例子写句子。

    例: I am going to study (study) Physics.

    1. (1) She  (visit) her grandma.

    2. (2) John and Ben  (watch) TV.

  • 20. 仿照例子写句子。


     She couldn't see or hear.

    1. (1) 我们不能闻到花香。


    2. (2) 我的叔叔不会游泳。


