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更新时间:2018-12-03 浏览次数:402 类型:期末考试
一、 选择填空。
二、选词填空:从方框中选择合适的答语填空, 使对话完整。
  • 11. 从方框中选择合适的答语填空, 使对话完整。

    The blue one.   

    For two weeks.

    They are Kitty's.

    Because I want to help people.   

    I want to go to Beijing.

    1. (1) A:How long will you stay in Australia?


    2. (2) A:Why do you want to be a doctor?


    3. (3) A:Where do you want to go in summer holiday?


    4. (4) A:Whose socks are those?


    5. (5) A:Which T-shirt do you like the red one or the blue one?


三、补全对话:将对应句子的编号填写到横线上, 使对话完整。
  • 12. 补全对话

    A. Why do you like them?

    B. What about Peter?

    C. What is your favourite book?

    D. What are the books about?

    E. I'm going to look at the picture books over there.

    A:Hi, Ann. What are you doing?

    B: I'm reading a book.


    B:I like Stories for Children best.


    B:Because the stories are very interesting. I can learn a lot. Do you like storybooks?

    A:No, l like picture books.


    A:They are about pictures of different places in the world.

    B:That's wonderful.

    A:Look! He is over there. Let's ask him together.


  • 13. 阅读理解

        David is a schoolboy. One day, he goes back home from school. He feels ill. He has a stomachache. He says to his Mum, “I have a stomachache." His Mum brings him a cake and says, "Eat it. You have a stomachache because it's empty. You'll get well soon when you get something in it." He eats the cake and he feels better.

        After a while, his dad comes back. He feels ill, too. He says, ''I have a headache.' 'I know, Dad. That's because it's empty," says the clever boy with a smile, "You'll get well soon when you get something in it.”

    请根据短文内容。从下面各题后所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

    1. (1) David has a     after school.
      A . fever B . headache C . stomachache
    2. (2) After eating         , David feels better.
      A . a cake B . candy C . biscuits
    3. (3) David has a stomachache because           ·
      A . he's hungry B . he has a cold C . he has a fever
    4. (4) His dad has a           .
      A . fever B . toothache C . headache
    5. (5) Can his dad get something in his head?
      A . No.he can't. B . Yes, he can. C . I don't know.
  • 14. 阅读理解

        Welcome to Coco Park Shopping Centre. If you want to buy some new shoes and socks, the shoe shop is on the first floor. It is between the bag shop and the supermarket. Peter and Tom often go there to buy sport shoes. They are good but not cheap(便宜). Above the supermarket is a coffee shop. If you are thirsty, you can go in and have a drink. On the third, fourth and fifth floor there are many clothing shops. There are a lot of beautiful clothes. Lucy and her mother usually buy clothes in the shop. They are beautiful and nice. Do you like reading? Go to the sixth floor. There is a bookshop in the middle of the floor. It is big. There are many people in it. Near it there is a gift shop. Now maybe you are hungry. Go to the tenth floor. You can enjoy some nice food there.


    1. (1) There is a shoe shop between the book shop and supermarket.
    2. (2) The coffee shop is above the shoe shop.
    3. (3) Clothing shops are on the third, fourth and fifth floor.
    4. (4) There is not a bookshop there.
    5. (5) The restaurants are on the tenth floor.
  • 15. 阅读理解

        Tomorrow is Saturday. It will be very hot. Children are talking about their plans. Alice is going to see a film in a cool cinema with her parents. She wants to see the film very much. Peter is going to play badminton with his friends. He is good at it. He plays it every weekend. Kitty is going to read at home. She likes reading very much. Joe doesn't have any plans. He just wants to stay indoors with air conditioner and eat ice cream.

    读一读, 根据所给的提示, 把问题回答完整。

    1. (1) What will the weather be like tomorrow?

      It will be·

    2. (2) What is Alice going to do?

      She is going to·

    3. (3) What is Peter good at?

      Peter is good at.

    4. (4) Does Kitty like reading?
    5. (5) What's Joe's plan?

      He wants to.

  • 26. 根据提示, 以My future为题写一篇不少于50字的小作文。

    1)What wilI you be like in the future?

    2)What will you do in the future?

    3)Where will you live in?

    4)What will you like doing in spare time?

    My future

