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更新时间:2018-12-03 浏览次数:387 类型:期末考试
  • 6. 选出下列短语所对应的中文意思

    ⑴go down                A.从……到

    ⑵at night                 B.举办聚会

    ⑶From to                 C.落下

    ⑷have a party          D.12点30分

    ⑸half past twelve     E.在夜晚

  • 27. 从下列方框中选出合适的句子完成对话,将其字母编号填写在横线上。

    A. They're so big.

    B. How are you on Children's Day?

    C. Do you go to the zoo on Children's Day?

    D. What do you do on Children's Day, Tom?

    E. Thank you, Miss Fang.

    Miss Fang: Good morning, Boys and girls. Happy Children's Day!

    Tom &Alice:

    Miss Fang:

    Tom: I go to the zoo with my mum. I see the elephants.

    Miss Fang: How about you, Alice?

    Alice: No, I don't. I go to the cinema with Kitty. It's wonderful

    Miss fang:

    Tom& Alice: Were happy. I love Children's Day

  • 28. 阅读理解

        Today is New Year's Day. It's cold and windy here. On New Year's Day, I go shopping with my parents in the morning. I buy some beautiful flowers for my grandparents. We visit my grandparents on New Year's Day every year. On New Year's Day, we have a big dinner together in the evening. My grandma makes a lot of yummy food. I also get a big toy robot from my uncle. The robot is super. I like it very much. Then I play the toy robot with my cousins. We're very happy

    1. (1) Today is        
      A . Children's Day B . Christmas Day C . New Year's Day
    2. (2) How's the weather on New Years Day?
      A . It's sunny and hot B . It's cold and windy. C . It's cool and wind
    3. (3) We         on New Year's Day every year
      A . visit my grandparents B . visit my uncle C . visit my grandma
    4. (4) What do we do in the evening on New Year's Day?
      A . We go shopping B . We buy some flowers for my grandparents C . We have a big dinner.
    5. (5) My uncle gives me        
      A . a super robot B . a toy bear C . a big toy car

