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更新时间:2018-11-19 浏览次数:312 类型:期末考试
  • 28. (2018四上·浙江期中) 读对话,选择正确的句子补全对话。

    A. Is this your schoolbag?

    B. What colour is your schoolbag?

    C. What's in it?

    D. My bag is small.

    E. No, it's red and yellow.

    A: Excuse me. I lost my schoolbag.


    A: It's red.

    B: Is it all red?



    A: A storybook, three notebooks and some candies.

    B: OK. Let me see.

    A: No, this bag is big.

    B: How about this one?

    A: Yes, it is. Thank you very much.

  • 29. 将下列句子排成—段通顺的对话。

    Is she in the study?

    Yes, she is in the study.

    Is she in the kitchen?

    Where's your mother?

    No, she isn't in the kitchen.

  • 30. 读一读,判断画线部分的发音是(T)否(F)相同

    cat           bag

    name      have

    cake        make

    date        dad

    hat          face

    hate        fat

  • 31. 判断画线部分的发音是(T)否(F)相同

     A. not     B. note

     A. hot    B. hope

     A. rose    B. nose

     A. box    B. dog

     A. coke   B. home

  • 32. 判断画线部分的发音是(T)否(F)相同

     cute     duck

     use     excuse

     up      study

     much   use

  • 33. 读短文,判断下列句子是否正确。

        Hello! My name is Kate. I'm a girl. Look at the two pictures. This is a picture of my classroom. We have two white fans, a blackboard, many desks and chairs. Where is the computer? It's on the teacher's desk. It's a new computer, Tim and Zhang Peng are near the computer. What about the other picture? Look at that girl. She is my friend. She is tall and thin. She has a blue bag. Her name is Ann.

    1. (1) Kate has two pictures.
    2. (2) We have three white fans.
    3. (3) The computer is under the teacher's desk.
    4. (4) Ann has a red bag.
    5. (5) Ann is tall and thin.
  • 40. (2018四上·浙江期末) 读句子,选择相应的图片。

    A     B     C    D      E

    —Mike, please put up the picture.    —OK!

    Look! He is my friend. He is so strong. He has short black hair and big eyes.

    This is my bedroom. You see a bed, a picture, a window.

    My family has three people, my father, my mother and me.

    My uncle is a driver.

  • 41. 阅读卡片信息,给下列图片编号

    ①That is my new Chinese teacher. She likes football. But can she play?

    ②My cousin Alex is thirteen. He is thin. And he is quiet. He likes books. Books are his good friends.

    ③My little brother Tim is a baby. He has two small eyes. He is cute.

    ④David is a strong man. He is from the UK. He can't use chopsticks.

  • 42. 看图片,从方框中选出合适的单词

    chicken    nurse    friendly    shoes    baby

    1. (1) —Who's that ?

      —He's my little brother.

    2. (2) —This is my friend, Tom.

      —He is .

    3. (3) —What would you like?

      —I'd like some .

    4. (4) —Where are my , Mum?

      —Look! They are under the bed.

    5. (5) —What's her job?

      —She is a .

  • 43. 读—读,选择正确的选项。

    ⑴Where is the picture?                    A. An English book and a note book.

    ⑵What's his name?                           B. It's on the wall.

    ⑶What's in your schoolbag?            C. Thanks.

    ⑷Are they on the table?                   D. No, they aren't.

    ⑸Help yourself to some chicken.     E. WuBinbin.

    ⑹Is that your aunt?                           F. It's yellow.

    ⑺What colour is it?                           G. OK.

    ⑻Would you like some rice?             H. No, thanks.

    ⑼Can I have some juice?                   I. Yes, she is.

    ⑽Let's clean the classroom.              J. Sure. Here you are.

