


The University of Exeter is launching a new program in September 2024 called the Master of Arts(MA) in Magic and Occult Science. This program is all about exploring ideas in a different way, according to its leader, Professor Emily Selove. 

Selove explained on BBC Radio 4's Today program that this degree in magic takes a fresh approach to studying history, science, philosophy, religion, and literature. It looks at these subjects from a unique viewpoint that hasn't received much attention from scholars before.

The university mentioned that this course will give students a chance to dig into the history and effects of witchcraft (巫术) and magic worldwide, including their influence on society and science. Expert s in various fields will teach the course and help students understand how magic has played a role in both Western and Eastern cultures. 

The University of Exeter already received more than a hundred inquiries for MA degree. The "innovative" MA has been created following a "recent surge in interest in magic", the course leader said. The interest in studying magic is on the rise, both within and outside of academic circles. This is because people are searching for fresh viewpoints on how we connect with other human cultures and the natural world, Selove explained.

Selove said that our ancestors had some interesting ideas that we may have ignored. These ideas have the potential to be valuable philosophical thoughts and could provide us with a new way of understanding society. "The MA in Magic and Occult Science would challenge the belief that the Western world is only characterized by rationalism(理性主义) and science while the rest of the world is associated with magic and superstition(迷信), "she added.

Furthermore, the university mentioned that this course can prepare students for various career paths, including teaching, consulting and tourism as well as work in heritage settings and museums, art organizations, and the publishing industry among other options. 


