


A long time ago, there lived a girl named Lilly. When she started going to school, she was1 . All her classmates bullied(欺侮) her for her shy behavior. If the teacher asked any questions, she wouldn't answer because of her shyness. But she was a2 student and she knew all the3 .

Out of all the subjects, her favorite subject was sports. She always4 to be a football player on her school team. But the students always made fun of her.5 , she didn't care what her6 would say as she wanted to7 that she could be a football player.

So during the day, Lilly8 her school, and at night, she would practice football at her home. Her mother installed(安装) some more lights in their garden so that her daughter could9 properly .

Finally, the selections for the inter-school for football competition came. Lilly, without a thought,10 to go for it. Her classmates11 her, and said, "Boo! you will not make it. Back off ! " But Lilly decided not to12 their words.

As she began to play, everybody was13 her excellent skills. The judges were so wowed by her confident14 that they not only selected Lilly but also made her the captain. Now, everybody wanted to become Lilly's friend and soon she became the15 girl in the school.


