


My dad is the kind of parent that has to know where I am and what time I'll be home. He is strict with me because he cares about me more than anything in the world. My dad's strictness comes from the way he was raised. He grew up working long hours on his family farm and his dad would throw wooden boards at him when he did something wrong. In high school, my dad woke up at four in the morning to get his chores done and walked to school so that he would make it to basketball practice by five. After school he went home to start a long night of chores.

On top of all the responsibilities my dad had at home, he played three sports and went to school. School would have been easy, but my dad had dyslexia(诵读困难). Every teacher my dad had thought that he was just unable to learn. My dad struggled in school until one teacher took the time to sit down and teach him how to read and write. To this day my dad tells me how grateful he is to that teacher who gave him a chance.

The best part about my dad is his attitude toward our family. When he comes home from a terrible day at work, he always puts a smile on his face because he knows the family is a lot more important than his own problems.

I know that I get my best qualities from my dad. He has shown me that with hard work I can accomplish something, and have fun while doing it. I know that my dad has strict rules because he loves me, and wants me to learn responsibility.


