


Jessie is the only child in her family and sometimes she felt bored at weekends. One day she wanted to do something different. It was Mowing the lawn (修剪草坪) in her back yard, but her mother disagreed. "I'm fourteen years old and know how to do it," Jessie said. "Besides, it would help Dad out, and he won't have to worry about it over the weekend." Mom thought for a while and then decided to let Jessie have a try. After all, she was at home and would keep an eve on her. Jessie already knew how to start the lawn mower (割草机) from watching her dad. She checked the electricity to make sure the machine could work well, and put on her old clothes and gloves. Mom watched her from the kitchen window. Jessie really knew how to mow the lawn. She was very careful around the flowers and trees. When she finished, she felt so good, but she was so hot. Mom brought her some ice tea and said, "You sure did a great job. Dad will be very surprised. "Later that day, Dad came home and said to Jessie's mom, "You didn't have to mow the lawn. It's my job. But it looks great. Thanks." "I didn't mow it. Jessie did." "Wow, our little girl is growing up!" Dad told Jessie what a great job she had done.

"It was fun, and I will do it again next week," said Jessie.

The neighbor next door came by and asked Jessie if she wanted to mow his lawn and make some money. "Sure!" said Jessie. Jessie began mowing his lawn. Two other neighbors asked so, then another three. Jessie was now mowing lawns for them all and making some money. "It's really an interesting job," she said to herself.


