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If you are seeking a job, you need to pay attention to your social media and online comments.  The following reminders may help you use social media well and grow your career. 

∙ Choose online platforms wisely. 

Instead, decide on one specific platform where you know what to expect and where you can feel safe and supported, and then build your personal channel there. It's often where people look first to find out more about you. Make it as a space to show the best reflection of you and a place to tell your story and how you want it to be told.


Know that people are watching-and it is not just your followers. Your potential clients and employers are paying attention, too. They want to learn about you and see if you are a good fit. The key is defining your professional image. Understand how you want to present yourself to the world, show what you want to be known for, and impress them with your best image. 

∙ Keep it clean and legal. 

This is not to limit free speech but to set rules for a respectful, professional environment. Besides, knowing and understanding the basics of copyright law can help. For example, photos are protected by copyright from the moment they are taken, whether they are registered or not. It is OK to share online videos and photos with your friends, without asking for the owner's permission and without paying fines.

If you use social media to your advantage, jobs will flow your way, not away. It's all in your hands.

A. Befriend your future colleagues. 

B. Define your own personal image. 

C. You don't have to register every online platform.

D. Consider setting ground rules for your online channel. 

E. Anything that has ever been shared on the Internet is rediscoverable. 

F. However, using them in your social media is against the copyright law. 

G. They are open for any and all to see-including your future employers. 


