


I have struggled with feelings of unworthiness since forever. My most painful moments were at parties. My friends made fun of me because I was rhythmically (有节奏地)1 and I couldn't get my2 body to imitate the latest dance moves. I was never chosen to dance. I felt like I didn't3 .

Around age 12, I decided that the way to4 these feelings of unworthiness was perfection. If I was just perfect then I would fit in. But this strategy didn't5 .My self-esteem (自尊心) was high when I got good grades and felt6 , but crashed when I didn't do well7 , or was left out.

After several years of spiritual growth, it8 me that for many of us, self-worth is tied to our9 . We experience low self-worth10 we fail or lose approval. So I have begun to cultivate an unconditional self-worth. It's not about doing things perfectly.11 , "Unconditional self-worth" is the12 that you deserve to be alive, to be loved and cared for.

The13 to unconditional self-worth is not always easy. It takes courage to free yourself from the 14 you've placed on your worth. But this journey is beautiful and worth taking. So I challenge you to embrace yourselves and find your metaphorical (隐喻) 15 floor and move freely.


