


A lot is unknown about how babies begin to connect names with objects in their environments. A study by Indiana University researchers offered a fresh view on how babies get this in human development. Before they can speak, babies between the ages of 7 and 11months have this ability.

To carry out their study, Smith and Clerkin made a list of objects and the heard names of objects as they appeared in babies' daily lives. They then considered how these experiences influence babies' memory(记忆) systems.

`"When scientists think about how babies manage to learn words, they've traditionally focused on the development of babies' learning abilities," Smith said. "This is not wrong. But if you pay more attention to the babies' learning environments, you see their learning tasks and abilities differently. We need to study these learning environments because that will tell us more about what children need to learn a word."

A full understanding of the learning environments could make researchers and doctors develop useful methods to deal with children who are considered "late talkers". The environments can be changed to help children who are learning a language more slowly than others.

"The idea is that over long periods of time, the memory for visual objects is being built up slowly in the brain," Clerkin said. "When a word is spoken at a certain moment and the related memory is reactivated (激活) to the name, the babies can make a connection rapidly."


