


Negative people don't do as well in any area of life including school, work, family, or friendships as those who are more optimistic and pleasant. Nobody enjoys spending time with someone who complains or criticizes. Grateful people are happier, kinder, more helpful, and more popular. .

Catch your kid being wonderful

In everyday life, it is easy to focus on what is going wrong. Practice being aware of those moments your child is doing something good, kind, or brave. .

Start a bedtime gratitude practice

Think about one thing in your life for which you are grateful. It can be a person, an activity, a future plan or even a possession. Think about how you have been or will be important in making that a happy part of your life until you fall asleep. . It is particularly useful for a child or adult who has a hard time falling asleep.

Just like adults, kids are getting annoyed when they're hungry, tired, cold or otherwise uncomfortable. So do your best to give your child a predictable routine of meals, playtime, outdoor time and rest.

Celebrate being alive

. And they usually respond well when we encourage them to focus on the goodness, surprises, and amazing beauty we can always find here and now. Notice your child's hopeful smile, your neighbor's flower garden, and colors that surround you. Say thank you to those that brighten your day.

A.Avoid predictable negative experiences

B.Making this a habit leads to a deeper sleep

C.Be frequently, openly and intentionally grateful

D.Children are much better than adults at living in the moment

E.Fortunately, there are some simple ways to practice gratitude

F.Let your gratitude be the beginning of wonderful things to come

G.Show your child how much you appreciate their presence in your life


