
日期: 2024-06-02 九年级下学期英语



A little boy was spending his Saturday morning playing in his sandbox. While creating roads in the soft sand, he1 a large rock in the middle of the sandbox.

The boy dug around the 2, managing to move it out from the dirt. With much effort, he tried to push the rock out of the sandbox.  3, he failed. The rock was too 4 for his small body.

As he 5 to accept his failure, the little boy dug, pushed, and pried, but every time he thought he had made some 6, the rock rolled and then fell back into the sandbox. The little boy 7 again and again, but the only result was to have the rock roll back.

 8, he cried loudly. All this time the boy's father 9 him from his living room. The moment the tears fell, a sweet 10 rose above the boy's head. It was his father.  11 but firmly he said, "Son, why didn't you use all the strength that you had?" The boy replied with tears, "But I did, Daddy, I did! I have tried 12 I could do!" "No, son, you didn't," replied the father kindly." You didn't ask 13 to help you." With that the father 14 the rock and threw it out of the sandbox.

Are you discovering that sometimes you don't have the strength to move your "rocks" away? There is ONE who is always willing to 15 you with the strength you need. Don't forget that!



Beijing 2022Winter Olympics souvenirs(纪念品) have drawn much attention from collectors around the world, especially the beautiful pins(胸针). They have won high praise for the excellent patterns.

The Beijing Winter Olympics pins connect traditional Chinese culture with modern beauty. It's thought that the style of the countdown souvenir pin collection is really special and romantic. As for the 200-day countdown pin, the pattern features sakura(樱花) on the front and a snowflake on the back, showing how the Beijing 2022Winter Olympics follows the Tokyo 2020Summer Olympics.

  If collectors get all pins in the countdown series, they can piece them together in the shape of a big "0", which means the countdown is over and that the Winter Olympics is going tokick off.

Some limited pins about ancient Chinese stories quickly sold out. The series has put Chinese fairy tales into the pattern, vividly showing the images of Pangu separating the sky from the earth, Jingwei filling up the sea, Chang'e fying to the moon, etc. Only 2,022 sets of the series were produced.

Other pin include traditional games, for example, the ancient Chinese ball game, cuju. Ice play, an old sport in North China, is also shown on a single pin. The ancient style of the pattern can be found in ancient paintings of the Ming and Qing dynasties.

As the host of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games, Beijing has told its own stories to the world through these colourful pins, created to welcome athletes and audience around the world.


With most people staying at home because of COVID-19, livestreaming (直播) has taken off. It is not only fun and interesting, but has also provided a new stage (舞台) for traditional culture artists.

On video sites and apps such as Douyin and Bilibili, many traditional artists are trying livestreaming for the first time. Some of them sing Peking Opera, some show their hand-made products, while others perform classical Chinese music.

Li Jun is alaosheng(old male role) Peking Opera performer with the Shanghai Jingju Theater Company. During the outbreak, the 59-year-old started livestreaming for the first time. Unlike performing on a formal stage, Li uses everyday places as his stage, including his backyard, study room, and even the kitchen. Besides singing, Li also teaches viewers about Peking Opera in a humorous way. People can ask him questions and get answers directly.

"Livestreaming has brought this elegant (高雅的) art down to earth," one viewer said. "It allows young people to get closer to this traditional art and learn more about it." Up to now Li has more than 6,000 fans on Douyin, while one of his videos has received 42,000 views on Bilibili.

Other kinds of artists also see livestreaming as a new opportunity. On March 26, the third China Huafu Day, Bilibili livestreamed a fashion show. Performers presented beautiful clothes in traditional Chinese styles, including those from the Wei (220-265), Tang (618-907) and Ming (1368-1644) dynasties. During the show, viewers not only enjoyed seeing the clothes but also watching how performers use ancient styles of make-up. For example, one blogger taught people how to draw the guiye eyebrow (桂叶眉) which was a typical make-up style during the Tang Dynasty.

AsGuangming Dailynoted, livestreaming has created a new way in which traditional culture can be kept alive.


Dear Daughter,

Congratulations! As we left Columbia University, I wanted to email a letter to tell you all that is on my mind.

First, you can't imagine how proud we are. You are going to get into Columbia University, which shows what an excellent student you are. Whether it is getting the highest grade in math, successfully selling your painted running shoes, or becoming one of the top speakers in Model UN, you have become a talented young woman. You should be as proud of yourself as we are.

I will not forget the first moment I held you in my arms. The exciting feeling touched my heart directly. It must be that "father-daughter connection" which will connect us for life. When I put you down, it was always with both relief (she finally fell asleep!) and regret (wishing I could hold you longer). And I will always remember taking you to the playground, and watching you having so much fun.

College will be the most important four years in your life. It is in college that you will truly discover what learning is about. You must become an independent learner and gain the ability to learn a new subject. So do take each subject seriously. The learning skills will be something you value forever.

Besides, College friends are often the best in life, because during college you are close to them physically than to your family.

I told your mom about this email, and asked what she wanted me to say. She thought and said, "Just ask her to take care of herself." Simple but deep caring — that is how your mother is, and that is why you love her so much. Hope Columbia will become the happiest four years in your life, and we'll always be by your side as long as you need us.


Dad & Mom


①It is common to surf the Internet at home now. However, a recent survey showed over 90% of parents are not clear what websites their children visit. I strongly believe that a training project should be started to help parents to improve their Internet and computer skills. Then they can better monitor and guide their children.

② Providing training would get parents to pay more attention to their children's online activities. This is one advantage. If parents had a better understanding of the internet and websites, they would see the need to make sure that their children use it properly and responsibly.

③Providing training to parents would allow parents to help their children with their schoolwork as well. These days, some homework of online courses needs to be done on computer. If parents have poor computer skills, they will be of little or no help with the homework. That can make parents very upset. Some people argue that it is good that students can work independently on computers. However, it is clear that students, especially young students often need this kind of home support.

④) Improving parents' Internet and computer skills might also be a good way for parents to improve their relationships with their children. These days, children spend a lot of their free time on computers. If parents want to be part of their free time, they need to see that playing on computers can be a fun family activity. Joining their children can help parents bridge the gap between them and their children.

⑤Most people believe that children need to be helped and guided to use the Internet in a proper and responsible way. Therefore, training is extremely important.



Smart phones have become an important part of our daily lives. This is worrying, as long-time use of smart phones harms children's eyesight and even the brain. It was reported China had 175 million Internet users under the age of 18, with 74 percent having their own mobile phones.

It's already common practice in some countries to limit students' use of mobile phones, France passed a law stopping the use of mobile phones on school grounds for children under the age of 15. Other countries, including the United States, Italy and Japan, have also passed laws banning students from bringing phones to schools or classrooms.

The Ministry of Education (教育部) in China said primary and middle school students must be stopped from bringing mobile phones to school. Those who require their phones for some need must get their parents' and teachers' agreement and must hand their phones over during class time.

An English teacher from Beijing noticed that many students lost themselves in their phones. She said, "Most students are short of self-control. Spending too much time on the phone prevents them from learning." A parent from Shanghai said, "The rules are good for children and controlling phone use is the right way to put their focus back on studies."

A 16-year-old student said, "It is unwise to stop all the students taking their phones to school." He thinks adults can't simply cut them off from the Internet in the digital times and it's more important to develop students' ability to manage themselves.

Title: shifting focus from phone to classroom

Background information

·Smart phones play an important role in people's daily lives.

·Long-time use of phones is  to children's health.

·Nearly three of 175 million Internet users under 18 had their own mobile phones in China. 


·French students under the age of 15 can't use mobile phones in schools.

·Students in the United States, Italy and Japan can't use mobile phones in schools or classrooms.

Notice in our country

·A notice on controlling primary and middle school students' phone use in schools was released.

Different opinions

·Both the teacher and the parent are in agreement on limiting students' phone use.  phone use is the right way to put children's focus back on studies.

·The student thinks that they can't from the Internet in the digital times. Self-management is more important.



child     success     hard     lucky    turn off


Mark had been a hard-working student. But in high school he made friends with some bad guys and changed. Neither did he work hard,  (也不) listened to his parents. Finally he  (不及格) in one subject. Inside he sensed a strong  (悲伤) but never talked to anyone.

One day, the headmaster met him by the fireplace. They  (保持不变) silent for 10 minutes. Then the headmaster took out a burning piece of wood and put it in the soil. It kept  (加热) for a while and then went out. The headmaster said  (耐心地), "Son, staying out for some time didn't make it useless. Let me put it in the fireplace again." Of course, it started burning again.

The headmaster  (继续), "Mark, you are just like that piece of wood. Earlier you were an excellent student. Then you fell into bad company. However, that wood found its  (价值) again after being put back in the fire. In the same way, you can become one with great achievements."

Hearing that, Mark  (后悔) what he had done and made up his mind to make his future. Two years later he was admitted to Princeton University and everyone was  (骄傲的) of him.



Bhola is the only child of his family. He (behave) badly and always asks his parents for money. Ramlal is worried about him all the time.

One day, he said to Bhola, "You'll have to eat today unless you make fifty rupees(卢比)." Bhola's mother took pity on him and gave him fifty rupees. Bhola ran to give the money to his father. Ramlal said (angry), "Don't try to cheat me. You're expected to make money on your own."

Still, Bhola didn't take his father's words seriously. He went to his mother and asked for money, but this time he (refuse). Feeling upset, Bhola started crying. A man passed by and asked him he was crying. Bhola became even (bad), "My father said if I couldn't make fifty rupees today, he wouldn't allow me (eat) anything."

The man said, "Well, if you carry my bag to the train station, I will pay you ten rupees." Encouraged by the job, Bhola also helped other (passenger) carry bags.

Finally, Bhola made fifty rupees. He gave the money to his father and said, "Dad, from now , I'll study hard and never waste money." Ramlal was glad that his son had finally learned the value of hard work and money.





Build Green And Beautiful Hometown Together


save energy: walk or ride to... ; use... less

divide the rubbish into...

plant trees








Hello, everyone!

Today I'd like to share my opinions on "Build green and beautiful hometown together".