
日期: 2024-06-16 高一下学期英语

第一部分 听力,第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)

 How did the speakers go to the capital?
A、 By car.
B、 By bus.
C、 By train.
 What is the girl going to do?
A、 Go camping.
B、 Go swimming.
C、 Go shopping.
 Why is Jenny unable to go out with the man?
A、 She is walking the dog.
B、 She is looking after her cousins.
C、 She needs to do her homework.
 What does the woman want to have tonight?
A、 Beef and chicken.
B、 Fruit and vegetables.
C、 Fish and beef.
 Where does the conversation probably take place?
A、 In the car.
B、 At school.
C、 In the supermarket.

第一部分 听力,第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)


第二部分 阅读,第一节阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)


Study Abroad Scholarships to Apply for in 2024

Found the perfect study abroad program, but don't know how to pay for it? Fortunately, here are some study abroad scholarship opportunities for students looking to take their studies overseas!

Trenchard Cox Scholarship

All you have to do is write two 400-word reasoned descriptions: one on a work of art you love and one that you hate. The scholarship, established in memory of Sir Trenchard Cox, awards the winner an Art History Abroad 2-week summer course in Venice. 

Requirement: At least 16 and no older than 18 years of age

Deadline: March 1, 2024

Arcadia Abroad Scholarships & Financial Aid

Did you know that Arcadia Abroad provides financial aid to around 70% of students who apply for it? It values equity, diversity, and inclusivity when awarding scholarships. Students who apply for scholarships will need to write a 300-word essay. 

Requirement: Must be included in an Arcadia Abroad program

Award: $500-$2, 500

Deadline: February 1, 2024

AIFS Study Abroad Scholarships, Grants & Financial Support

We believe a study abroad experience is an important part of well-rounded university education and we are committed to providing financial help to as many students as possible. AIFS also offers internship (实习期) and study abroad + internship mixed programs to support the development of personal and professional skills. 

Award: $500-$5, 000

Deadline: June 1, 2024

American Association of University Women(AAUW) Fellowships & Grants

The AAUW supports women searching for a variety of graduate academic opportunities. There are no barriers (障碍) to full participation in this organization. Preference is given to those who show great interest in the advancement of girls and women. 

Requirement: Women only

Award: $2, 000-$50, 000

Deadline: November 15, 2024


Dorothea Dix was born in 1802 in Massachusetts. When she was 12 years old, she left her unhappy home to live with her grandmother in Boston. There Dorothea went to school and was so quick at her lessons that two years later she went back to Worcester, Massachusetts and taught in a school for little children. She was only fourteen and rather small for her age. Anyway, she proved herself a good teacher, and the children loved her and respected her. In 1821, she opened a school for girls in Boston. 

Gradually, her health broke down, and she began to think that she could never work any more, but after a long rest in England, she came back to America and did something far greater than teaching. She went through the whole country where she first observed the inhumane treatment of the mentally ill. During Dorothea's traveling for nearly two years throughout the state, and meeting similar conditions, she always spoke kindly to the ill-treated, but she spokewrathfullyto the men who ill-treated them. In January 1843, she submitted to the Massachusetts legislature (立法机关) a detailed report of her fully documented findings.

In the next 40 years Dorothea inspired legislators in 15 US states and in Canada to establish state hospitals for the mentally ill. Her continuous efforts directly affected the building of 32 institutions in the United States. When the Civil War broke out, she went straight to Washington and offered to nurse the soldiers without pay. She hired houses to keep supplies in and bought an ambulance. She gave her time, strength and money to her country. 

Dorothea Dix has been called the most useful woman of America. She is an, American educator, social reformer and humanitarian whose devotion to the welfare of the mentally ill led to widespread reforms in the United States and abroad. 


Tai chi, a traditional, slow-moving form of Chinese physical exercise, is known to increase flexibility and improve balance. New research has been conducted to determine whether tai chi has an influence on lowering blood pressure in people with prehypertension (高血压前期). 

In the study, Chinese scientists put 342 adults with prehypertension into two groups. The average age of people taking part in the study was 49. About half the participants (参与者) took part in aerobic exercise, including jogging, climbing stairs and cycling. The other half was trained to practice tai chi. Both groups got hour-long exercises four times a week. 

Nearly 22% of the people who practiced tai chi saw their blood pressure fall to be normal, compared with nearly 16% of people in the aerobic exercise group. And fewer patients in the tai chi group went on to develop high blood pressure than patients in the aerobic exercise group. 

So what is it about tai chi that helps lower blood pressure? "The practice tends to get more of a response from the parasympathetic (副交感的) nervous system, which is the network of nerves that relaxes your body after periods of stress or danger, " says Ruth Taylor-Piliae, a professor at the University of Arizona's College of Nursing.

"I think the beauty of tai chi is that you don't have to have a special gym membership, you don't have to have special clothing, " Taylor-Piliae says. "Once you learn tai chi, you can do it anytime and anyplace. And it does provide a calming and relaxing effect. "

Evidence suggests it can also help protect against cognitive fall and even improve memory. But you have to practice it continually to get the most benefit. 


Humans can make do with scarves, coats and gloves in cold weather. Some animals can hibernate (冬眠) for the winter. A new study finds that reptiles (爬行动物) and birds do something that is similar to hibernation, but a little different. In very cold weather, their body temperatures greatly drop into an energy-saving state in order to survive. The ability to thermoregulation (体温调节) for reptiles and birds is possible. 

In Texas, where the city of Beaumont reached a low of 18 degrees Fahrenheit last month, it looked as if alligators (短吻鳄) had died of cold—yet alive in iced-over water. By ensuring their long noses stayed above the water line, the cold-blooded creatures were able to lower their body temperatures to survive the sudden short period of very cold weather. The process, in the case of cold-blooded animals like reptiles, is called brumation—it's like a short state of hibernating. While in this state, reptiles become sleepy and they can go for a long time without eating or drinking. For example, alligators can be in brumation from just a few hours to months.

Like reptiles and mammals, birds can go into a state called torpor in order to save energy under very cold conditions. "Torpor is somewhere between a short sleep and hibernation, " said Justin Baldwin, a PhD candidate in biology at Washington University in St. Louis. Baldwin studied 29 species of hummingbirds living in Colombia. Researchers found that hummingbirds can enter into deep or shallow torpor, depending on several factors, including their size and weather conditions. In deep torpor, the birds are much more likely to be affected by disease. And what's more, they would be easily harmed by their enemies.

Some bird lovers want to help the birds when they are in torpor. For example, the Bird Alliance of Oregon offers a few tips on how to keep the birds from danger. 

第二部分 阅读,第二节阅读还原(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)


What will happen if you look at a solar eclipse (日食)?, even looking at any part of the sun's rays through ordinary equipment, like regular sunglasses, can result in serious eye damage. Here are some information about the risks of looking at the sun and how to stay safe while observing this sun's event.

What are the risks to looking at the sun with no eye protection? It's never safe to look directly at the sun. Looking at the sun for even a few seconds can cause "eclipse blindness", a dangerous condition in which solar rays damage the eyes..

Viewing a solar eclipse could also make your eyes uncovered when facing possibly harmful UV (紫外线的) rays. The cornea, the eye's protective surface, can also be damaged by UV rays, which cause pain and poor eyesight., as well as damage to other parts in the back of the eyes.

? During the eclipse, special eclipse glasses must be worn. That's because the sun's surface is so bright that if you stare at any part of it, no matter how small, it produces enough light to permanently damage your eyes. Our eyes never developed to look at the sun without suffering severe damage. Regular sunglasses are not safe to use., be sure they are made by professional companies.

A. If you buy eclipse glasses

B. Without a specific eclipse glasses

C. How can we view the solar eclipse safely

D. Where can we watch the solar eclipse safely

E. A professional company will help you choose sunglasses

F. This can happen if you are not wearing sufficient eye protection

G. UV rays even cause lasting blindness and eyeball damage in the eyes

第三部分 语言运用,第一节完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


Jonathan Tiong came into the world with a rare disease that gradually damages muscles over time. A doctor1 a prediction to his parents that he wouldn't live beyond his second birthday.

Yet, Tiong not only surpassed (超出) the doctor's2 but also made great achievements. On the day of his 24th birthday in October, he gave a speech3 at his graduation ceremony. What's more, Tiong got a(n)4 as an editorial writer at a famous wealth fund. However, all these amazing honors were not easily5 , for which Tiong went all out.

Beginning his6 journey during the rise of remote work has also7 the effect of his disability. Tiong finds8 in the virtual field, stating, "Having everyone work online feels really great. Because when everyone is together online, I don't feel like there's actually much of a9 . "

Despite the10 he has earned, Tiong remains a supporter for reshaping society's opinion of success. "We must admit that living with a disability is a (n)11 challenge in itself. Every day, countless individuals with disabilities12 difficulties all over the world without media coverage, fighting their battles13 , " Tiong stresses.

His goal is not to lower expectations for individuals with disabilities but to14 the traditional idea about success. "If we reconsider what it means to succeed, you'll find that everyone out there who is doing their jobs quietly is15 . "

第三部分 语言运用,第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


As a volunteer (teach) English at a public school in an African country, I noticed that many other foreign English teachers felt they were left out of the school community and that they were not making a significant impact students' lives. (challenge) this, I volunteered to lead the school club once a week.

Participating in the school club has been a rewarding experience for everyone involved. It allows me to learn the local dance,  makes my experience more interesting. For the  (student), it provides an opportunity to practice English and interact with a foreigner in a relaxed setting. These interactions are also helpful to intercultural connections, creating a more inclusive school community. 

Even though it only takes an hour and a half out of my week, I have noticed a significant change about the students' attitudes when I enter the classroom. They are truly happy to have me there, and their interest in world has increased. The club has created memorable experiences for the students, allowing them to connect with someone from a different culture in a (mean) way. Witnessing this effect on the students has made me feel more fulfilled in my role as a volunteer teacher and (inspire) me to continue to make a difference in their lives. is remarkable that a small ( contribute) can have a significant impact.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)


1. 公园景色;

2. 游玩过程;

3. 你的收获。


1. 写作词数应为 80左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Dear Jack, 


Li Hua


Jackie was searching for her library book in her room. Outside her house stood her friend Sasha waiting for her to go to the library. But the book was missing. 

Jackie then ran into her sister's bedroom. "Have you seen my library book? Last week my book was bitten by your cat. The week before that, you dropped my book in the park, " Jackie asked angrily. Her sister shook her head. Despite her efforts, Jackie found no traces of the book there.

"What's taking you so long, Jackie?" Mom's voice rang through the house. "I need to find my library book. It has a red cover. It's due (到期) today. If I have lost the library book, I am not allowed to check out any books for a whole month, " Jackie sighed, walking down the stairs. She nearly ran into her mom, who was carrying a heavy laundry (待洗衣物) basket.

"Good luck with that book. The library closes in twenty minutes. " Mom stopped to grab Jackie's clothes from the railing and wrinkled her nose. "I'm putting these in the laundry, " said Mom, disappearing down the basement stairs.

Jackie ran around the house, looking under the sofa, in the fridge, and behind the piano. However, the book was nowhere to be found. Where was that library book? The thought of not being able to get into the world of stories and knowledge for a whole month made her feel very sad. Jackie sank onto the living room sofa, her mind racing with thoughts of the result she would soon face. 

Just then Mom came into the living room and suddenly said, "Have you searched all the places? You need to think carefully and see if you've missed anything?" "I've searched everywhere I can think of, but I still haven't found it, " Jackie almost cried. "I looked for you in your painting room in the backyard last night where you were practising your painting. I seemed to see a red thing. Maybe it was in the painting room, " Mom added.


1. 续写词数应为150左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Without wasting another moment, Jackie rushed outside to the painting room. 

Rushing to the library, Jackie and Sasha found the door still open.