


I had stopped to get gas at a place where I almost never been to. I had 1 about cleaning my windshield(挡风玻璃). But then when the gas 2 was almost finished, I decided for some reason to go ahead and clean it. That's what I was doing when a woman approached me and asked for 3 .

There were two women, one middle aged, the other twenty-something, with a young child in the back seat. On a day when the temperature was well past 100 °F, they were 4 in an old car with no air conditioning, driving from a town about an hour away.

"Can you tell us how to get to Mopac, sir?" She had a folded-up printout of directions from Google maps. "Sure. Where on Mopac are you 5 ?" I asked. She unfolded the printout and showed me the 6 . I knew it well, and started to get the 7 that this moment was meant to happen. "I know 8 where that is," I told her. "I used to have an office in that building to work in."

I started giving directions to the older lady, and then again to her 9 , who was the driver. It took a while, because I 10 each instruction to make sure they understood. In a sincere moment of gratitude, the older lady thanked me.

The whole 11 helped me much more than it helped them. I had been having a very 12 day. In fact, the only reason I had gone to that particular gas station was that I wanted to take a little drive and 13 my head.

As I replaced the gas cap, having sent them on their way, I suddenly 14 that I felt better. My head was clearer. And I am 15 for the real goodness it brought into my life.


