


Delivery workers will finally be able to charge their electric bicycles — and themselves — at new stations created out of repurposed news stands in New York City, Senator (参议员) Chuck Schumer announced on Monday.

The repurposed news stands, the first of their kind in the nation, will feature charging stations safe for e-bike batteries, bike parking, and a place for delivery workers to rest or ride out bad weather.

"You've been riding this bike a long time. You need a break. Maybe you've got to make a phone call. Maybe you have to take care of your personal needs, any of these things," Schumer said. "They're constantly out on the street, no place to rest, no shelter to protect them — imagine it's pouring rain, or even snow and you still got to do this," he said. "And so we're going to take underutilized (未利用的) public space on our streets like this news stand right behind us. Very simple."

And the stations, which will be designed by Manuel Mansylla, will not contain bathrooms — which were once a flashpoint (焦点) for delivery workers who were banned from using the restrooms at some of the very restaurants from which they were delivering food.

But thanks to new city laws that went into effect at the start of this year, including requiring restaurants to allow delivery workers to use their restrooms, that's thankfully not the main concern anymore, said Gustavo Ajche, a delivery worker. "The bathroom is different. There's no problem with that any more what we need here is more parking spaces," he said.

Not everyone loves the idea of news stands being repurposed for e-bike charging stations. "After car chargers on the sidewalk, this is another facility of the city taking pedestrian (行人) space to create charging stations," said Christine Berthet of CHEKPEDS, the pedestrian advocacy group that has long called for the creation of more public space for pedestrians.


