


The Pizza Encounter

As Mr. Anderson entered the cozy pizzeria, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the delicious pizza he was about to enjoy. Dressed in his best suit, he scanned the menu eagerly, his mouth already watering at the thought of the melted cheese. But as he made his way to the counter to place his order, his sense of excitement quickly turned to annoyance when he was rudely bumped into(偶然遇到) by a homeless man named Jack.

Mr. Anderson glared at the man, his eyebrows raised in a look of disgust.

"Watch where you're going! Do you know how expensive my suit is?" he snapped, carefully straightening his suit.

"Oh, I am really sorry," apologized Jack.

Mr. Anderson sniffed(哼了哼) in response, a look of superiority on his face. "Some people," he complained under his breath, as if to say that the homeless man was beneath him.

After ordering three slices of cheeses, Mr. Anderson sat down at a table, feeling annoyed. To his surprise, the homeless man followed and sat down across from him. Mr. Anderson's frown(皱眉)deepened.

When the pizza arrived, Mr. Anderson was about to take a bite, but the homeless man reached out and grabbed a slice. Mr. Anderson's eyes widened in disbelief(难以置信). He had never seen such rudeness.

"Great cheese, right?" said Jack.

Mr. Anderson shook his head. He reluctantly took a bite of his slice, while glaring at the homeless man. However, the man kept reaching for more slices, and Mr. Anderson grew increasingly angry. It went on like this until the last slice, which Jack simply took without asking and handed him half of it. Mr. Anderson exploded with anger, yelling at the homeless man loudly. Mr. Anderson slammed(砸) his fist on the table and continued to yell at Jack, demanding an explanation for his behavior.


Just then, the waiter approached Mr. Anderson with another plate of pizza.

"But why did you give the last slice to me?" asked Mr. Anderson, genuinely curious.


