


Are you frequently depressed by the feeling that life is leaving you behind particularly when you look over social media sites and are faced with all the exciting things your friends are up to? 

FOMO, or Fear of Missing Out refers to the perception that other people's lives are superior to our own. It appears as a deep sense of envy, and constant exposure to it can have a weakening effect on our self-esteem (自尊).

While feelings of envy and lack of confidence seem to be human nature, social media seems to have added fuel to the fire.  Social media, with its built-in appeal, allows us to share only the best presentations of our life, while leaving out the more boring aspects. Although this could be characterized as dishonest, it is the atmosphere social media seems to demand. So how do we avoid being trapped into our own insecurities by social media?

Consider your own social media posts. Well, so have others. And what they've left hidden is the fact that boredom, loneliness and unpleasant chores are an unavoidable part of everyone's life, and you're not the only one feeling left out.

 You may not be a regular at fancy parties or a climber of dizzying peaks, but you have your health, a place to live and real friends who appreciate your presence in their lives.

Learn to shake it off. We are all flooded daily with photos of other people's perfections, but really, what does it matter? And even if you are more easily affected than others by social media envy, all you need to do is to look around you and acknowledge that you are doing pretty well after all.

A.If so, you are not alone.

B.Value your friends in real life.

C.Learn to appreciate the positives.

D.Why does it have such a stimulating effect?

E.They are probably no more real than the funniest reality TV show.

F.The feeling that we are left out has long-term damaging psychological consequences.

G.Have you ever chosen photos that lead others to the rosiest conclusions about your life?


