


When people ask about my experience of learning Cantonese, I recount a journey driven by unending curiosity and a strong desire to connect with a dynamic culture. 

Growing up in a Russian family, my fascination with languages grew thanks to my father, a language expert. It's during a cultural appreciation class in junior high that I was first introduced to the world of Hong Kong films, famous for their characteristic action-packed dramas and storytelling styles. However, what really amazed me was the uniqueness of the language, Cantonese, which sparked a urgent need within me to explore it and the rich culture behind. This marked the beginning of a thrilling linguistic journey.

Learning Cantonese posed challenges, such as unfamiliar characters, complex tones, and different grammar structures, yet I persevered. Immersed in textbooks and available online courses, I practiced the tones everyday until my pronunciation flowed naturally. Cantonese dramas and music also played a role in familiarizing me with its rhythm. 

To truly grasp the essence of Cantonese, I knew that studying alone wasn't enough — I needed firsthand experience. So, I took a gap year to pack my bags for Hong Kong, a city featuring the lively heartbeat of Cantonese culture. Buried in its busy streets and daily conversations, from casual chats to food ordering, I found myself enveloped in a linguistic wonderland. Within a few months, my Cantonese proficiency flourished, fueling a surge of confidence.

My explorations extended beyond the streets. I enrolled in formal language classes that offered professional guidance. Through hard work, I successfully completed all the courses in Cantonese Linguistics. From then on, I've been passionately committed to spreading the Cantonese culture, ensuring its richness reaches a wider audience.

Today, I continue my Cantonese voyage with unflagging enthusiasm. It has transformed into more than just a linguistic pursuit; it grants me a passport to sincere connections, profound insights, and heartfelt admiration for its one-of-a-kind culture. 


