


Although the modern picnic (believe)to be a concept originating in Europe in the 1700s, China's version of such excursions (短途旅行), commonly known "spring outings" or "stepping on the green", can be traced back to at (little) the Wei and Jin dynasties (220—420) when people went on excursions or held banquets (宴会) by the water (celebrate) the Shangsi Festival on the third day of the third lunar month. Scholars would drink and compose (poem) by streams.

The activity became more common among women as well in the Tang dynasty (618—907). A special picnic for women, often daughters of official s and rich families, (emerge) As recorded in the book A History of the Tang Under Emperor Xuanzong's Reign, groups of ladies would compete on the value and beauty of the flowers they wrote (normal) between the two spring solar terms "The Beginning of Spring" and "Rain Water".

In the Song dynasty (960—1279), the Qingming Festival  Tomb Sweeping Festival included traditions of the Shangsi Festival and the Cold Food Festival,  cold food was eaten. At that time, people had a seven—day holiday for the festival, and would not only pay respect to  dead, but also enjoy scenery, food, and drinks on spring excursions. 


